Water Lead Testing

With the passage of LD 153 (An Act to Strengthen Testing for Lead in School Drinking Water), the Maine Legislature mandated that all K-12 schools in Maine test their drinking water for the presence of lead. The state's Drinking Water Program has been charged with coordinating the effort, which took place during the 2021/2022 school year with a testing extension taking place in the fall of 2022 to accommodate logistical challenges related to COVID-19.

In compliance with Maine law, Baxter Academy has tested its facilities and is moving forward with remediation as needed. 

Remediation Steps

If testing shows that a fixture has elevated lead levels, that outlet is shut off and/or signs are posted saying "DO NOT DRINK" until the problem is resolved.

Public Notice of Results

Please find Baxter Academy’s public notice for our most recent water sample results, along with an educational document addressing the risks associated with lead exposure, attached to this email. Of the ten fixtures tested on our campus, one chemistry lab sink and an ancillary staff sink were found to have levels above 4.0 parts per billion.

For more detailed information, including full laboratory documentation from the Drinking Water Program, please visit our campus at 185 Lancaster Street, Portland ME or feel free to contact our front desk at 207-669-5500.