
Over-the-Counter Medications

Baxter Academy is willing to provide limited medication to your child with your permission. If you have not signed the permission form, your child will not be administered any of these available options without a phone call to the parent/guardian first. This form is filled out annually in the registration paperwork.

Prescription Medications

It is the policy of Baxter Academy that, whenever possible, the schedule of medication administration should allow a student to receive all prescribed doses at home. If it is necessary for a student to take medication during school hours and a registered nurse is not available, members of staff trained by our nurse will administer the medication in accordance with the following:

  • A permission form, "Prescription Medication Administration Form," is completed and signed by the parent or legal guardian and the physician or nurse practitioner or physicianʼs assistant.

  • The medication must be given to the front office in the original, unbreakable container with a pharmacy produced prescription label with the name of the medication, date, dosage and the name of the student who is to receive it.

We do allow inhalers and/or EpiPens may be kept by students as directed by a physician/parent if a nurse has determined that the student uses the inhaler appropriately. A permission form, "Prescription Medication Self-Administration Consent Form," is completed and signed by the parent or legal guardian and the physician or nurse practitioner or physicianʼs assistant.

Parents are responsible for authorizing the removal of the medication from school at the end of the school year or on the last days of the student's enrollment. Medication will be discarded appropriately by the school nurse if not removed by the parent or guardian by the end of the school year. Medications sent to school improperly packaged and/or without a physicianʼs signature will not be administered, and the parent/legal guardian will be notified.