Internships can take many forms, but they are NOT job shadows. Stemming from our core Baxter belief that we ‘Learn by Doing,’ an internship is an opportunity to experience a workplace or a career path by participating in the work and providing solutions to problems. Some interns have helped to write grants at an organization or have learned the skills of a lab research assistant. Others have taken apart small engines, produced films for company websites, or created curriculum for a middle school orchestra. Baxter Internships are very individualized: what problems can you solve for the greater community?



Steps to Developing a Successful Internship:

You must follow these steps if you are doing an internship during regular school hours (Mon-Fri, 8:30 am - 2:30 pm).

  1. Set up an appointment with Jonathan to discuss ideas. Stop by my office (Room 223) or email me at jonathan.delorme@baxter-academy.org

  2. Meet to discuss interests, goals, and potential organizations.

  3. Create/Edit your digital portfolio or resume and write a cover letter.

  4. With Jonathan’s assistance, begin outreach to organizations.

  5. Meet with host organization mentor and Jonathan to discuss expectations and responsibilities.